BAND NAME: The Rural Alberta Advantage
LP TITLE: Hometowns
LABEL: Saddle Creek
RATING: 8/10
The Rural Alberta Advantage hails from the great land of Canada; Home of maple syrup, Moosehead Beer, curling and one of the greatest indie music scenes on Earth. From Broken Social Scene to Arcade Fire, Canada has spawned some of the most memorable Indie acts of our time. The Rural Alberta Advantage continues this impressive legacy.
Hometowns: The band’s incredibly fresh debut album is going to vault them from the obscurity of rural Alberta, to a worldwide audience.
Contradicting the over-produced sound of corporate pop, The Rural Alberta Advantage heralds spontaneous, spare arrangements with just enough surprises to keep you guessing. The band manages to bring the reckless enthusiasm of youth, whilst remaining sincere, polished and eloquent, all traits usually associated with more mature bands.
Lead vocalist/guitarist/song-writer: Nils Edenloff is indeed an extremely talented individual. His lazy drawl, nostalgic narrations and frantic acoustic guitar playing, all add up to create one hell of a good sound. With that said, each other member of the trio, pull their own weight. Paul Banwatt’s raucous yet precise style of drumming has helped earn him the title of one of the best drummers in Canada. Finally, Amy Cole’s subtle touches here and there, smooth out all the rough edges of the record. Be it sweet, fragile vocals, or tasteful keyboard accompaniment, Amy is the final ingredient needed to complete the album.
With raw and earnest lyrics, interwoven with resonant guitar, a rousing drum-line and melodic harmonies, Hometowns delivers on every level.